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California Statewide Gas Emerging Technologies Program

California Statewide Gas Emerging Technologies Program

Submitted by sstambaugh on

The Statewide Gas Emerging Technologies Program (GET), is a collaboration between California’s investor owned utilities to advance promising energy-efficient technologies. The program aims to identify and evaluate currently commercially available technologies, and further market readiness of promising concepts that may be ready in three to five years. These proposals will be evaluated as potential measures for future energy-efficient programs.

Working with cross functional stakeholders, the GET program will source and screen technologies, gather necessary technical and savings potential data, identify key market barriers to adoption, and develop strategies to overcome these barriers.

Have an emerging technology you’d like to propose?

Visit the Propose an Idea page for more information and online submission form.

View the Statewide Gas Emerging Technologies Program

2025 Annual Research Plan

Concurrent with the adoption of new technologies, is the need to understand market barriers, including those that are the result of the new technology, as well as any that already exist for current similar technologies.

View the Technology Priority Map (TPM)

The TPM Includes the summary list, end use, sector, and technology sums, technology readiness levels (TRL) and opportunities.

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