Other California Emerging Technology Efforts

CalNEXT's vision is to identify emerging electric technologies across six priority areas and bring them to the IOU energy efficiency programs portfolio.

To more information visit calnext.com

California Statewide Emerging Technologies Program assesses the performance of high-efficiency technologies and makes recommendations to customer funded programs as to whether these technologies are suitable.

For more information, visit ca-etp.com

Demand Response Emerging Technologies Program is investing more than $25 million over five years in scientific and technological research accelerating the market adoption of emerging demand response enabling technologies in all customer sectors to meet California’s electric reliability and climate goals.

For more information, visit dret-ca.com

Energy Transition Coordinating Council was created to facilitate collaborations on emerging technologies projects. It was created by Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Southern California Edison, Southern California Gas Company, San Diego Gas & Electric, and the California Energy Commission and includes Sacramento Municipal Utility District and Los Angeles Department of Water and Power

For more information, visit etcc-ca.com