Propose an Idea

Emerging Energy Efficiency Solutions

We actively welcome ideas for current and developing energy efficiency solutions. To submit your idea, please complete the form below. If selected, a program representative will reach out for more information.

Contact Information


Focus Area

Please describe your estimated impact, including:

  • How many participants could the pilot impact
  • Scale of estimated savings potential – i.e. 1, 100 or 1000 MWh?
  • Scale of gas-specific savings –   i.e. 32.9 MCF, 329 MCF or 3290 MCF?
  • If the impact of the project is short, medium or long term

Please describe any positive impacts the pilot may have, including:

  • Positive impacts on the larger community
  • How these impacts can be quantified, if applicable
  • Measure life, if applicable
Please describe your proposed products and services.

Please describe proposed benefits, including the following if applicable:

  • Carbon emission reduction
  • Flexible load shape value
  • Potential to support other utility programs
  • Potential to improve impacts of multiple programs

Please describe the current state of your proposed solution, including:

  • If it is considered emerging technology
  • Technology readiness level
  • Market availability today
    • Is the product offered by more than one vendor?
    • Is the product's market share <5% in the applicable sector?
  • Potential impact of failure (cost, reputation, stakeholders, etc.)

Please describe proposed customer outreach, including the following as applicable:

  • Any customer impact beyond program participants
  • Scale of proposed impact –  i.e. 1,000, 10,000 or 100,000 customers?
  • Potential to impact important customer segments (e.g., low income)
  • How it can improve customer relationships and satisfaction levels

Please describe the cost effectiveness, including:

  • Current cost effectiveness
  • Potential for improved cost effectiveness
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